Everyone is afraid of Don Juan. Wherever he goes, he destroys everything: chaotic homes, unharvested crops, broken marriages, soiled honours, unpaid debts, lives taken. All because of the maidens who stand in his way. How does he manage to fall in love with so many, and where does he keep them? On his return to Sevilla, Don Juan comes across the statue of the Comendador he beat in a duel after taking his daughter. Don Juan invites the statue to his house for supper, to which it nods in agreement. But, contrary to custom, this Don Juan doesn’t turn up to the agreed supper. Don Juan flees to Lisbon but the Comendador’s ghost pursues him, wanting him to shake his hand. Don Juan is suspicious and assumes it’s not a good idea to shake hands with the ghost of someone he himself murdered. Don Juan decides to go to the Witch, but the curse is unbreakable and the only way out is to escape through time. Don Juan rolls the dice and is catapulted into the 21st century. One can only laugh. That is Don Juan.
Text and artistic direction Pedro Gil Interpretation Filipa Matta, Miguel Loureiro, Pedro Gil, Raquel Castro, Rita Calçada Bastos and Tónan Quito Light design Daniel Worm d’Assumpção Scenography and props Pedro Silva Costumes Catarina Graça Make-up Jorge Bragada Production Vítor Alves Brotas Director’s assistant Diogo Andrade Bookbinder Filipa Matta Modelling of the statue’s face Rute Reis Scenography assistant Fernando Gil Carpenter Thomas Kahrel Participant in the art residency Miguel Castro Caldas Press officer Helena César Photography Mariana C. Silva Video João Gambino Design Joana Tavares Art Residency O Espaço do Tempo and Companhia Olga Roriz Coproduction Barba Azul (Razões Pessoais), São Luiz Teatro Municipal, Teatro Municipal do Porto and Centro Cultural Vila Flor Sponsors Portuguese Republic – Culture / Direção-Geral das Artes Other partners Bispos – Joaquim Augusto Bispo, Écranvia, Luís Lemos hairdresser, Forum Dança, Ginásio Clube Português, Oficina do Cego, Teatro Nacional D. Maria II, ARTISTAS UNIDOS, Teatro Nacional São Carlos Acknowledgments Diogo Mesquita, Eugénia Vasques, Giacomo Scalisi, Gisella Mendoza, Joana Bértholo, João Brites, João Sebastian, Jorge Silva Melo, Manuel Leitão, Nuno Rebelo, Otília Andaluz, Rui Horta, Tiago Rodrigues
Premier The 7th of November at São Luiz Teatro Municipal Tour Teatro do Campo Alegre, Porto (as part of FITEI); Cine-teatro João d’Oliva, Alcobaça and Centro Cultural Vila Flor,Guimarães (as part of Festivais Gil Vicente).