Creation and artistic direction Pedro Gil Creation Assistant Diogo Mesquita Interpretation Ainhoa Vidal, António Fonseca, David Almeida/ Tónan Quito, Mónica Garnel, Raquel Castro, Ricardo Gajeiro, Romeu Costa and Tónan Quito. Scenography Pedro Silva Props Pedro Godinho Light design José Manuel Rodrigues Original music Sérgio Delgado Production Ana Pereira Director’s assistant Manuel Henriques Video Maria Joana Figueiredo Poster design Mulher Bala Coproduction Barba Azul (Razões Pessoais) and Centro Cultural de Belém Art residency CAPA and O Espaço do Tempo Sponsors DgArtes|Ministério da Cultura and Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Other partners Allianz/Falcão Marques,Lisbon City Council, Miguel Garcia hairdresser, Olá ice creams, Fundação Inatel and Sonae Sierra Acknowledgments to all the crew at C.C.B., Ana Cristina Costa, Fiona Maria, João Pedro Mendes, Giacomo Scalisi, Mariana C. Silva, Otelo Lapa, Sara Belo, João Pedro Gouveia, Sérgio Marques, Teatro D. Maria II, Álvaro Pinto, Beatriz Vidal, Marco Fonseca, Marisa Lourenço, Miguel Seabra, Narcisa Costa, Pedro Pereira, Ricardo Campos and Teatro O Bando.
Premier Centro Cultural de Belém from the 9th to the 12th of October 2008, followed by multiple shows at Teatro Meridional from the 15th January to the 1st of February of 2009. Tour Teatro Municipal de Bragança; Cineteatro Constantino Nery, Matosinhos (as part of FITEI); Centro Cultural Vila Flôr, Guimarães (as part of Festivais Gil Vicente); Teatro Aveirense; At the Black Box from Espaço do Tempo, Montemor-o-Novo.