A man speaks directly to a subtitle, one which is constantly questioning what he is, which, let’s face it, makes his life even harder.
Creation and artistic direction Pedro Gil Co-creation Diogo Mesquita Interpretation Pedro Carmo Scenography Pedro Silva Sound Sérgio Milhano Production Ana Pereira (Barba Azul) Creation assistant Rosinda Costa Poster Design André Lima Art residency Lugar Comum Sponsor Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation as part of the Creativity and Artistic Creation Programme Other Partners Teatro da Trindade – Inatel, Lisbon City Council and Clube Português de Artes e Ideias.
Premier 24th of june of 2005 at C.A.M. of The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation followed by multiple shows at Teatro da Trindade, from the 18th May until the 24th of June of 2006 Tour Teatro Municipal de Bragança; Auditório Teatro das Beiras, Covilhã (as part of Festival Y); Centro Cultural Vila Flôr; Guimarães(as part of Festivais Gil Vicente); Museu da Ciência, Coimbra (as part of XI Semana Cultural da Universidade de Coimbra); Lugar Comum at Fábrica da Pólvora, Barcarena; Espaço do Tempo at Convento da Saudação, Montemor-o-Novo (as part of PT); Auditório da Fundação Serralves, Porto(as part of Serralves em Festa); Teatro Lethes, Faro; CAE, Portalegre (as part of Artfest). Arte em Rede Tour Cine-Teatro São João, Entroncamento; Teatro-Cine de Torres Vedras; Centro Cultural Olga Cadaval, Sintra; Casa Municipal da Juventude de Almada.