Wild Territory is a two-part theater show inspired by the experience of actors Pedro Gil and Raquel Castro as father and mother of two daughters. Together with writer Miguel Castro Caldas, they invented a daughter character for whom they also invented a father character, a mother character, a younger sister character among others.
The first part, which premiered in 2016 at Teatro Nacional Dona Maria II, is inspired by the first 5 years of life and the second part, which premiered in 2022 at Teatro Municipal São Luiz, is inspired by the years between 6 and 10. In Wild Territory, the characters live in a dining room set inside a theater. The live audience looks in on the lives of the characters and the actors. As time goes by, everyone moves further and further away from the beginning.
Co-creation Miguel Castro Caldas, Pedro Gil e Raquel Castro Text Miguel Castro Caldas Interpretation Pedro Gil, Raquel Castro, Joana Bárcia ScenographyPedro Silva Sound Pedro Costa Light design João Gambino Executive production Francisca Rodrigues Creative support Duarte Águas Video Maria Joana Figueiredo Coproduction TNDM II, Barba Azul, Teatro Viriato Art residency O Espaço do Tempo, mala voadora.porto Sponsor The Government of Portugal / DGArtes