
As Castro

Edited by TNDM II / Bicho-do-Mato, colection "Textos de Teatro"

Text from the show As Castro, by Raquel Castro.

Raquel Castro’s family tree was As Castro‘s starting point. Three hundred people, most of them dead, with their names, places where they lived and professions, set the tone for digging into this family’s stories. There is talk of many mothers. From mothers of mothers of mothers of daughters. And of course, of husbands and fathers, of the time that was different, and of this place that has been Portugal. Stories strangely still capable of keeping us awake at night. The show that gave rise to this book premiered in June 2023, at the Cine-Teatro Paraíso, in Tomar, as part of the National Odyssey of the Teatro Nacional D. Maria II. (80 pages)

The book is available at Livraria do Teatro Online.


A Retrospective 2013-2023

Edited by A Bela Associação and Razões Pessoais, 2023

Booklet made for the show Uma Retrospectiva 2013-2023 (A Retrospective 2013-2023) by Mariana Tengner Barros and Raquel Castro, who are also the authors. With text by de Ana Bigotte Vieira, photos by Mariana C. Silva and design by Isabel Lucena.

For sale by contacting Razões Pessoais, through the email info@razoespessoais.com

Price: 5€


Rachel’s death – Raquel Castro

Edited by Douda Correria, 2021

“When you hear these words it means that yesterday (Rita says the date of the show’s eve), day _ of the month _ of 2080, at 99 years old, my heart stopped beating. I don’t know exactly when or where. Maybe as I was crossing the hallway to the kitchen so I could silence the kettle I had left on the stove.  Crossing a crosswalk, on top of the zebra, a dead woman that can halt traffic. Or maybe in the theater, as I watch a play, only to be found dead when everybody else has already left, and an actor comes back to pack up a prop.”

Book launch at the October 8th 2021|18h at O Limbo –  Rua Morais Soares nº 7 A, Lisboa

(cover by Isabel Lucena/ composition by Joana Pires)

For sale in selected bookstores or through Douda Correria: doudacorreria107@gmail.com


Castro Women

Edited by Razões Pessoais, 2023

Photography booklet that forms part of the show “As Castro”   (Castro Women) by Raquel Castro

Design by Isabel Lucena

For sale by contacting Razões Pessoais through the email info@razoespessoais.com

Price: 5€


Things I do to keep me distracted from death

Edited by Barba Azul, 2020

Booklet that forms part of the show o A Morte de Raquel, de Raquel Castro.

Design de Isabel Lucena

For sale by contacting Razões Pessoais through the email info@razoespessoais.com

Price: 5€
