Dona Vlassova & Guests present at Centro Social da Sé a show composed of two parts:the day and the night. The participant is led through corridors,staircases, living and sleeping rooms, in a semi guided itinerary. By getting acquainted with the space we also get to know its inhabitants, elderly people that come daily to spend their time here, returning afterwards to their homes. The public is encouraged to take part in sensory and imagetic experiences, in a proposal that is also a reflection on the city that exists and the one that doesn´t, departing from subjects such as social connections, sex, affection and the several times: the historical time, the age time, of our own ages, the time we’ve spent together, the performance time, the spectator time.
Coordenação Gonçalo Amorim Co-creation Ana Bigotte Vieira, Ana Pereira, Iris Cayatte, Frederico Lobo, Pedro Gil, Raquel Castro, Romeu Costa and Susana Cecílio in cooperation with the elderly users of Centro de Dia da Sé da Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa: Otília Santos, Helena Constantino, Ema Palácios, Leonor Serafim, Conceição Mocho, Lucília Cabral, Maria Borrega, Custódia Alves, Maria Mota, Luísa Nabais, Emília Noronha, Silvina Olveira, Porfírio, Maria Tomásia, Eduardo, Conceição Alves, Maria Baptista, Natalina Silva, Joaquim Teixeira, Eugénia Teixeira, Ilda Mendes, Germano Lopes, Emília Alvez, Lucília Production Director Ana Pereira Poster design Hugo Dunkel and Rosa Baptista Co Producers Dona Vlassova, AnaPereira.PedroGil (Razões Pessoais), Alkantara Festival.
Premier THE 27th of May of 2010 at Centro de Dia da Sé da Santa Casa da Misericórdia as part of Alkantara Festival
(the process of creating this show produced the book Centro de Dia Dona Vlassova & Guests Centro Social da Sé – Lisboa 2010).